Statement from David Byers, Interim Chief Executive, Minerals Council of Australia The passage in the United States of significant and immediate corporate tax cuts sends a clear message to...
Category - Opinion Piece
The Minerals Council of Australia strongly supports the Turnbull Government’s decision to ask the Australian Electricity Market Operator to investigate how best to ensure the continued supply of low...
Senior lawyer Melissa Demarco and Partner Shae McCartney discuss reasonable management action versus bullying under the Fair Work Act, and recognising the difference. The bullying and harassment...
Diversification, efficiencies and innovation will be the best recipe for survival for mining services companies under ongoing pressure from a mining sector focused on productivity. EY’s latest annual...
The battle between the gas industry and activists continues unabated in New South Wales and Western Australia with no love on either side. Queensland’s gas sector also has its share of opposition...
Mike Elliott, Global Mining & Metals Leader from market analysts Ernst & Young (EY) discusses what the biggest risks in the resources sector will be as we move into 2015… The need to address...
A major market analyst is predicting the Australian coal sector will enjoy a short reprieve from the current commodities downturn as they take market share from higher cost producers. In a report...