Empire Resources Ltd (ASX code: ERL) on behalf of the Penny’s Find Joint Venture has commenced its second toll treatment campaign at the Lakewood Mill located on the southern outskirts of Kalgoorlie...
Tag - campaign
Greatland Gold has commenced ground gravity surveys at its Paterson project. Highlights: Ground gravity surveys have commenced at the Havieron target with initial station spacing of 200m x 200m, and...
Greatland Gold, has announced that it has identified multiple gold targets at Ernest Giles East following the successful completion of Mobile Metal Ion (“MMI”) surface geochemistry and ground gravity...
Drilling underway at Eloise JV, Cloncurry
83 MILLION TONNES OF MEASURED AND INDICATED RESOURCE ESTIMATED AT AGUIA’S TRES ESTRADAS PHOSPHATE DEPOSIT Highlights: Total Measured and Indicated resource of 83 million tonnes grading 4.1% P2O5...
It’s common knowledge that our mine sites are filled with the toughest of the tough, and it’s no secret that the odd swear word gets thrown around. While a new Swear Jar campaign to raise money for...